Thursday, March 14, 2019

PVCHR appreciating works in Mushar and Chamar Basti

5 march 2019 we three fk fellow (Ganga, Sabin, Madhu) went for our field visit in Akbarpur Sajoi.  Around 25 km away from central office. When we went there Somuru patel sir was waiting for us. He informed us  that  changes of community. They started work since 2016. The total population of Ajaria line   block is 7000. The PVCHR worked in Akbarpur Village .  Somuru patel  sir worked in 3 community. Patel and Musar  people live there. The PVCHR works for more than six hundred people along 80 families. The community people both men and women worked in brick factory. In the community 0-5 children were 126 in number.
The problems they were facing before PVCHR work
There was very bad condition because there were no housing, no toilets, Problems of ANM, some people did not  have Aadhara Card, home delivery.  Adolescences  have no awareness  about sanitation pad and importance of education. The Adolescences not Went to school. They worked in brick factory.  The ICDS teach child under the tree. There was problems of family planning. And there was other problems like water, sanitation, malaria, typhoid, etc. They not send their children to school.

After PVCHR work there happened many changes. 15 people got Aadhara card, help 10 people for housing. They arranged adolencese meeting. ANM started to give vaccination and immunization to child. They worked on sanitation as well as family planning. PVCHR has been working for this community on issue of maternal and neo-natal health from previois year.
We meet chandrama. She have a Blood Pressure problem and she suffer from Dizziness. She had 7 children. She worked in brick factory and she earned 300 wages per day. Her eye was read and she was not feeling well. She did not have sufficient money to check up health. She told us that she have no knowledge about family planning . After PVCHR gave Awareness  about family planning. Then she know about it.

One women Whose name is Shri Devi. she already  7 children, now also she was pregnant. She had 4 girl and 3 boy. And 6 month girl was suffer from malnutrition problem. She was not using iron tablet and regular check up. When Aasha, ANM went their they gave iron tablet and check the pregnant women

The two girls whose name is madhu and sapana. Sapana is 16years old and madhu is 17 years old. They don't go to school. They worked  in brick factory. Sapana family forced to get marriage. She did not get married now. We talk with her father that her age is not suitable for marriage. Her father said that this age is suitable , after 16 no one get marriage with her.

We went for door to door visit. Then we arranged meeting with community people. Then we started our Program. The program was primary health education. We gave awareness about some diseases like chicken pox, typhoid, sanitation, malaria, dengue, family planning etc. Program was good. They were interested our program.

I feel good going in field sharing knowledge. Some where I feel bad they have some old throught. So, it quite hard to make their understand.#Insec#Norecno#PVCHR

Friday, March 8, 2019

Field visit in Sajoi Village

We went to  Sajoi Village in Akbarpur community where Musar and Patel  community live. When we visited there, we saw Many problems. Still there were no toilets, there was problem of family planning, problem  of housing. In one family there was 8 or 9 children. They think that children are gifted by god. They did not have knowledge about family planning. 40 people lived in one house. They worked in brick factory.
