I met the member of national human right commission Mr.Tank khanal, Neetu gartaul, Saru shrestha. We introduce with them and Mrs. Neetu Gartaula shared information about the NHRC. There are nine offices around the country to provide services. The central office is located in Kathmandu. They explained how anyone can file a complaint regarding any issue relating to human rights. They work to verify information, make reports, and urge for government action, for the victim to go to court or receive compensation and protection. They intervene if police aren’t properly investigating and their power is very similar to the courts as they can rescue, search houses, and send victims to prison. According Article 132, to respect, protection, promote, and effective implementation of human right. They do different activities like monitoring, fact finding, verifying, and evaluation, inquiry, taking statement, intervention on any matter. It works for domestic violence, police torture, rape, child abuse etc. If the law of country is not suitable then NHRC can also change the law of government. NHRC works on different issues. It also provides public awareness programs and also trained people to empower on different topics. They also do programs collaborating with INSEC as well as other human right organizations, advocate and media.
Nice! Well done !!