We attend the interaction program and
third district meeting which is organized by National Campaign for education
Nepal (NCE- Nepal) and District coordination council. In the program there are
around 30 people participated which are the member of NCE related in different
field like public schools, advocates, media and NGO's. The meeting was held in Aama Milan Kendra,
Naagdhunga, pokhara.
NCE Nepal is
established in 23rd Chaitra 2066. The main vision, mission and goal
of NCE was every citizen is educated and empowered to improve their well being
and enjoy full potential in a justice, equitable, inclusive and peaceful
society. To facilitate empowerment and improvement of the lives of poor,
marginalized and excluded children, youth and adult through research, policy
advocacy, capacity building of stakeholders, solidarity building, resource
mobilization, networking, education resource and information dissemination and
act as a watch dog and pressure group. To helps to equitable, inclusive, free, compulsory and
quality education for children, youth and adult as their fundamental right to
education in Nepal.
Opening session was started by Mr. Narayan
Subedi from National coordination council. He was reading the banner and
signature it. In the kaski there are total 632 schools. Now a day's students
are decreasing because Children are involved in working sector.
Ms. Indira Poudel from Aama Milan Kendra. She shared about how Aama Milan
Kendra worked. It specially focused to old people, child and women.
Mr. Dili Ram Subedi is a secerity of NCE. He
talked about NCE. In 2003 get commitment on education sector. In global
campaign 17, 18 countries are participated. It has a network more than 339 organizations,
which works for evidence based policy advocacy so as It to ensure equitable, inclusive, quality
education and lifelong learning opportunities for all is seeking
a qualified, motivated and dedicated person for the post of Program Officer. In 23 district there are 52 organization are
working. There are 3 indicators. They are education, health, transportation.
There was a group discussion then Ms. Lochana from
sahara school appreciate the work of NCE- Nepal that NCE- Nepal has contribute
to form education mission. The government focused on the education sector. In
Nepal there was not proper management of education. If education sector is improved
then people are more educated. Education helps people to learn positive
attitude and they achieve their goal. The government focused to education
because the children will stand out as future
leaders to develop the nation from all the issues and hurdles, stopping to
There was the problem of birth certificate. Without
birth certificate they did not get admission in the school. Always people talks
about children rights but they did not know about their duties. The government
and non government give knowledge about their rights and duties.
From that program
I learned that Education is all about being independent, human right and being
good citizen of country. Education helps
the people to motivate, experience and confidence to face the outside world. Education doesn’t mean to just go to schools and colleges daily
and attend exams, it is meant for gathering knowledge and relating it to our
daily lives.
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